Monday, November 15, 2010

Peachtree City 50K

50k 6:35:19. Knee buckled at 14.5 miles.
Great weather. 40F at the start. 68 at the finish. 5.18 loop course. Loops 1 &2 right on pace of 10:13. Discard vest at the start of 3nd loop. Feeling good. Forcing myself not to pick up the pace. Remembering 2 laps is only 10 of 31 miles. Course was gently rolling inclines. Knee starting twitching at mile 8 but on real problem. Mile 12.25 knee just buckled for a second. Some how I managed to pick the pace for the next two miles. Mile 14 the knee starting buckling on every decline . No matter how slight. 15 mile/ 3 loop in 2:41Tight lipped x. Down hill for that point. Telling myself at this point to not DNF. Not working. Club member Wanda T. came out to support me. She run mile 20-25 with me. We even hit a 12:50 mile at one point. Compared to 14:00 miles I was doing. Wanda had to leave for a Hawks game. She gave me a bagel and I decided to walk until a finished it or for about a mile. It was a long incline. 1 mile past the finish line I seriously considered turning around and DNFing(27 mile mark). The only thing stopping me was explaining to Wanda after running 5 miles with how I managed to not finish. Onward I trudged. The last 4 mile I mainly walked. Runners starting passing me at every mile. With about 1/2 mile to go and 1 last tunnel. I look up after exiting a tunnel and to my amazement I see the finish line. I have never been so happy in 20+ years of running to see a finish line.Big grin Tried to run but it was a no go. Walked the last 1/4mile in pure ecstasy. Plan to shadow box the medal and picture. This race will make getting a PR easy.Smile

Saturday, October 23, 2010

13.1 marathon 10/3/2010

Goal time 1:50:19 at best. Finish time 1:47:51. Last years time 1:54:59. Bettered time by 7:08.

Hill repeats

1)A favorite workout of mine is to do a set of 6-10 hill repeats for a set amount of time (1 min, 2 min, or even more depending on where you are with your training). Each rep, you mark where you finish and in order to keep going in the workout you have to run farther than you did the previous rep. If you don’t, the workout ends!

2)Begin with a simple set of 4×8 sec hill sprints on a moderately steep hill. Walk back down for your recovery. As you feel comfortable with this, add one or two reps a week until you get up to 10 total

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


MAF....5k pace....5k time.....Marathon.....Mpace


5:00....4:15..........13:12....... ..2:08:41...........4:55

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Sickle Cell 2010

Quote from runnerclay on 4/10/2010 at 7:37 AM:

Sickle Cell 7k today @ 9:00. Late starts are not my favorites. 2008 Time 36:06. Goal time35:19. Heavenly time 34:48.

Weather forecast 49F with 6mph winds. Tough course. Finish on a heart break hill .

33:30 about 15 sec off PR 15yrs ago. Not 100% sure of PR. No longer have log books. Maff is working.

Went out a little faster than planned but did not want to be over 8 minutes for the 1st mile. Miles 1 & 2 were down grades. As you can see I died on mile 3 uphill.Recovered on mile 4. Last .35 up a killer hill. You can only imagine how much I wanted to walk.
Type Distance Time Total Time Pace Avg HR Max HR Notes
Interval 1 Mi 7:25.78 7:25.78 7:26 165 176
Interval 1 Mi 7:30.15 14:55.93 7:31 172 176
Interval 1 Mi 8:20 23:15.93 8:20 178 186
Interval 1 Mi 7:19.49 30:35.42 7:20 181 187
Interval 0.37 Mi 2:55.1 33:30.52 7:54 186 195

Sunday, March 28, 2010

ING 2010

ING half marathon.Garmin time 1:56:58---13.27 miles.Pace 8:49. Goal < 1:54:59 Pace 8:46. 52F drizzle/mist off and on.HR 157/ 179.Target HR 165. Stop to pull up knee brace at 6.23 miles**57:07 was the split for the 1st half. Shooting for a negative split. Did not make it. Course not as challenging as I was expecting. Legs are a little sore.Felt good at the start of the race Did not get to sleep to after 1:30.Up at 5:00. Wish I could use that as an excuse but normally only get about 5 hours of sleep a night.Enjoyable race.