Saturday, November 14, 2009

12 miler

45F @ 6:00. 2 pair gloves, long tights,long sleeve shirt, yellow vest, hat and ear mask.Hands a little chill. HR 120 for first few miles. Needed to run at HR 123+ not to be cold. 12 miler. Last 8 with Wanda and Marva. Marva had had leg cramps. Stopped to stretch couple of times. Warmed up to 56F bright and sunny.12.6 miles AHR 122 MHR 143 pace 13:16/ 2:46:01.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

15 miler post race

posted: 10/31/2009 at 11:57 AM I finished. 2:36:18 AHR 150 MHR 169

Mile 3 right calf starts twitching. Not a good sign. Mile 6.5 left calf starts to hurt. Mile 9 the bottom falls out of the sky for the next 5minutes. Raining and wind so hard I had to close my eyes to stop the burning of sweat that was getting in my eyes. Mile 11.92 the knee decided it what to get in on the act. Sharp pain on the inside of the left knee. 5 miles in 45:08. 10 miles 54+. Last 3 miles 38:18. I want to walk at this point. The cut of was2:45. If I walked I would have missed the cut off. Two things keep me going the cut off and all the RAers who have post there survival stories. Survival shuffled the last 3 miles. Time to shower and ice the knee. Thanks to all who have post their hardships.

Stn Mtn 15 miler

I am going to do the 15 miler 5 beats below the TO hr chart which is 5 beats higher than my HM race ahr. I was going to go with the TO marathon hr but decided Stn Mtn is to hilly to be that aggressive. McMillan time 2:12:21

Goal time 2:14:00 @ 8:54pace HR 165. Have not run hills. The course is 3 loops of some major hills.

Ate a 1/2 cup of oatmeal at 4:30 AM. 1st time eating before a race. Race start 8:00. This race is test for Marathon in March.

PS : I keep changing my goal time. This is final! I hope

Ok ,I did say hope. Temp adjustment 2:15:00. No goal. Just finish standing.

TO time

15 miler pre -race meal

Up at4:10. Finished 1/2 cup oatmeal and16 oz of water at 4:35. 5:15 nature call.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Weekend Run

Saturday ran 16 miles . 43 degrees with a 11 mph windy. 9 miles to MLK jr HS. 7 miles back. Carried 20 oz of water and 2 Larabar bars. 2nd 40m/w in a row. AHR 120 Mhr 138. Too cold to walk all the hills.

Sunday 4.37 miles with group. Did not run. 36F.3 layers of cloths and 2 gloves. Ahr 98 Mhr 112. Surprisingly not sore or tired from 16 miler.

14 Day Test

Stop test at 7 days> Lost 7 lbs in 7 days . Down to 150 lbs. Not much energy.

Friday, October 9, 2009

14 day test

Started 14 day test on Monday. Wednesday realized I had meatloaf on Monday and Tuesday (forgot about the crackers holding it together). The start date is now Wednesday. Can I have tofu? I have been light headed most of the day. Came home an ate carrots and English peas. Took a nap. Still somewhat light headed. Will check blood pressure tomorrow. If not,feeling better. 15 miler planned. Not dehydrated.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

13.1 marathon

HM prediction 1:55:30. Official time1:54:45. Great weather. 60 F Overcast for the entire race. Stayed with planned HR of 157-162. Prediction charts called for AHR 168. I decided to be more conservative. Leg did not give me any problems. Need to stop at 9.5 miles for port-a-potty. Lost about :30. Great race management. Time clock at every mile marker.Time clock at half way mark .Did not think to check the time. Hopefully the race will show the split time. AHR -9 beats below 10 mile race 3 weeks ago. Pace of 8:45 today. 8:40 pace for ten miler. 13.1 not nearly has stressful as 10 miler. Weather was about 10 degrees cooler today.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Fellowship run

13 miles with group and running partners. Leg cramps. Iced. Run took 3:02:30. Did not take water on run.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Saturday, July 18, 2009


here (

marathon schedule 2009

Week# Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat. Total
6-Sep 1 8
10 26
13-Sep 2 8
10 26
20-Sep 3 8
4 2 4
11 29
27-Sep 4 8
4 2 4
12 30
4-Oct 5 6
6 20
11-Oct 6 8
4 3 4
12 31
18-Oct 7 8
4 3 4
13 32
25-Oct 8 8
10 26 stn mtn race
1-Nov 9 8
14 30
8-Nov 10 8
5 16
15-Nov 11 6
4 4 4
15 33
22-Nov 12 6
4 5 4
15 34
29-Nov 13 6
4 4 5
16 35
6-Dec 14 6
6 20
13-Dec-09 15 6
4 4 3
18 35
20-Dec-09 16 7
4 5 5
17 38
27-Dec-09 17 7
5 5 3
20 40
3-Jan-10 18 5
5 18
10-Jan 19 10 4 3 4 4
17 42
17-Jan 20 8 4 4 4 5
18 43
24-Jan 21 22
4 4 4
22 44
31-Jan 22 6
6 20
7-Feb 23 16
6 6 6
8 42
14-Feb 24 18
5 5 5
8 44
21-Feb 25 20
5 5 5
20 45
28-Feb 26 6
6 20
7-Mar 27 rest
4 14
14-Mar 28 5
3 12
ING 29 26.2

Decatur 4 miler

Time 32:26 predicted time of 32:36 using McMillan calculator.
Predictions: half- 1:54:37 full 4:01:44.
2 mile WU. Started at the back of the pack because I did not known the start line was 2 blocks form the YMCA finish line. Garmin not properly set for 4 miler. Stopped at 3.06 miles.

Peachtree 10k 51:44
Predictions: half 1:55:07 full 4:02:47

BQ: 3:45:00